The £1 A Day Challenge On YouTube

The £1 A Day Challenge On YouTube

Welcome to the 2nd upload on the Money Your Concern YouTube channel. In this post I detail the £1 a day challenge and how you can follow my progress via YouTube and the website. I hope this gives you a better insight into what the £1 a day challenge is and what you will learn by following my progress.

Thanks for watching and for your continued support…

If you’d like to follow my journey and learn the lessons I pick up along the way, feel free to subscribe to the YouTube channel. Or you can also, follow in more detail via the Blog section of this website.

The main point of me sharing my journey is to help inspire others. To help you take the leap to improve your financial lives. Really, all it takes is to make the first step in the right direction. Then, let the momentum carry your progress forward. I made the £1 a day challenge to be a simple as possible to begin with, to ensure commitment at the start. Then we can grow that £1 a day income over time to be something much more significant.

If you are keen to try out the challenge yourself, i’d love to hear from you!! Let us know in the comments section how you are getting on.

All the best with your financial future.


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