My Financial Journey Update: Week 33

My Financial Journey Update: Week 33

Week 33: I don’t want my financial journey to consist of relying on Swagbucks to slowly allow me to reach financial freedom by age 253 or something… No I plan to look forward

Welcome to the week 33 update of the £1 a day challenge. Where I share my financial journey of going from little business knowledge to one day, achieving financial freedom. I start from pushing myself to make £1 a day, online.

So This week is more of a straight forward update as opposed to sharing my latest business lessons. This is to give an idea of where I’m at, what I’m working on and where I’m headed.

Check out the Update video below…


So, as I mentioned in the video, due to no affiliate commissions coming in this week, I had to rely of Swagbucks to make my £1 online each day. This is time consuming and with balancing all this with my 9-5 job, I really need to find more efficient ways to make money online.

However, I did manage to reach past the £1 goal on 6 days last week, mainly completing Swagbucks surveys.

Its not the best paying method of making money online but it is reliable. Swagbucks has been a great way for me to start making money online in the least intimidating way possible.

If you plan to try out the £1 a day challenge for yourself, I do still thing Swagbucks can be a good place to start if you don’t have any previous business experience. To get the ball rolling. Here’s my Swagbucks referral link if you want to try it. You’ll receive a bonus reward if you reach past a certain point in 30 days too. I hope this helps.

The stock market

The reason I couldn’t put more content out or make more money online this week was because I was focusing on the stock market. I believe a good stock market strategy is super important for whichever route you take in your financial journey. And now is as good as any other time to jump in.

There’s a lot of uncertainty in the economy right now. This more often than not, causes volatility in the stock market and therefore brings some great opportunities to buy great stocks at cheap prices.

I’ve been spending a lot of time researching where these opportunities might be…

I do plan to update you more on my knowledge of the stock market soon. So stay tuned for this if you are interested.

However, in the meantime, I really recommend you check out my Value Investing Basics playlist on YouTube. There’s over an hour of free content, teaching you the 9 core steps I believe you must learn for a successful stock market investing strategy.

What’s Next?

So as mentioned earlier, I don’t want my financial journey to consist of relying on Swagbucks to slowly allow me to reach financial freedom by age 253 or something… No I plan to look forward.

I’ve spent a lot of time lately, consuming as much knowledge as I can on running a successful drop shipping business. I plan to take action with this soon and this will be my new main focus to grow passive income online. To grow this £1 goal.

As always, I will share with you everything I learn along the way.

The good, the bad and the ugly…

Thank you for checking out the week 33 update of my financial journey in the £1 a day challenge. If you’d like to try out this challenge too, be sure to let us know in the comments. Where we can all help each other out, to make money, out concern and strive to reach our financial goals.

To keep track of the progress and what I learn in this challenge, stay tuned with the Blog section of this website. Or check out the Money Your Concern YouTube channel.

Thanks for reading.

Talk soon
