Being A Beginner YouTuber Is A Challenge: Week 37

Being A Beginner YouTuber Is A Challenge: Week 37

Thanks for checking out week 37 of the £1 a day challenge. This week I want to share with you my insight to the main difficulty you’ll have to endure as a beginner YouTuber.

So firstly, I want to apologise for not having an update last week. I hope this will help explain all…

I’ve been doing YouTube with the Money Your Concern channel for 5-6 months now. I’ve created 59 videos, each taking 6-8 hours of pure, hard effort. And after all of this, my videos still struggle to get many views and my channel is hardly growing at a rapid rate.

With all of the effort I’m putting in, for the lack of results. Sometimes I can’t help but feel like my content is useless. This brings a huge offset in motivation to create more…

Sound familiar to you? Watch my Update video here first.

Are You A Beginner YouTuber Too?

If you’ve got this far into this post, the chances are, you either are a new YouTube creator, or you intend to be in the near future. In which case you probably have come across the same disruption in motivation as I have. In this case, remember this…

You’re A Beginner YouTuber…

I’d class you as a beginner if you been creating for less than a year, or have less than 100 videos under your belt.

In this case, you’re still in the early stages of your learning. Within the first 100 videos you create, I guarantee you will see the largest gains in your ability to create amazing, engaging content.

Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay

Imagine if you started going to the gym. You work super hard and have been going for 5 months now. Sure, no doubt you will start to be in much better shape. However, it would be ludicrous for you to expect to be stronger and fitter than others there, who have been going for years.

So to round of my analogy, as a beginner YouTuber, it will take time, effort and patience for you to finally make videos as appealing as the best youtubers out there. Once you have improved, then you can expect viewers to be interested to see your content over your competitors on YouTube.

Look To The Future…

Remember, it’s not just right now that your video is counting for. If you stick at this, all of your future followers will go back and watch these videos and find use and enjoyment out of them.

And this is the main reason I shared this topic this week. I hope that, in a few years time, when my content is much better and my channel has grown, new subscribers will go back and find this exact video. They will then see that there was A time, where was struggling for views, just like they are now. I hope this will give a lot of people the feeling that they are not alone and they can achieve success too.

My Future YouTube Format

As mentioned in the video, I intend to progress on from sharing Swagbucks tips and move onto hopefully more profitable ways to make money online. This is what will be shared in the £1 a day challenge updates every Thursday. I’ll share everything I learn about drop shipping along with mistakes to avoid, so that you can feel ready to try this out too.

So to recap the video, here’s what you can expect from the future of the Money Your Concern YouTube Channel.

  • My Progress updates in online business and the £1 a day challenge, every Thursday
  • And useful investing tips during the week (particularly in the stock market). So you can learn to be smarter with the money you will earn from this challenge. Then grow your wealth, more significantly in the long-term.

I may deviate from this slightly every now and then but I think this is a solid format, to teach and share my knowledge on a true wealth building strategy.

YouTube icon

The £1 a day challenge:

To avoid sounding too repetitive, I’m not putting the breakdown of my weekly online income from the challenge in the spotlight. As, again, this was all achieved via Swagbucks. I received no affiliate commissions from my book reviews on this website. However, I am beginning to receive referral commission on Swagbucks, so this is a great help.

This week I reached past the £1 mark on 5 of the 7 days. Achieving a £13.22 profit in total, thanks to a fairly useful offer I found on one of their affiliate sites.

Thank you for reading…

I appreciate your attention. I hope if you are a beginner YouTuber like me, you now feel more motivated to stick at your channel. Remember to work, hard, stay patient and eventually your audience will find you and you will see more success.

I wish you all the best of luck.

If you enjoyed this post, you can share your acknowledgement by commenting below or on my YouTube channel. I’d really appreciate it if you subscribed. Where you can follow my journey of building streams of income online, investing and sharing with you all of the tips and mistakes I make along the way.

If you prefer written format, you can keep in touch with the £1 a day challenge via the Blog section of this website.

All the best with your YouTube and online business journey.
