How Much I Made With Swagbucks: Week 35

How Much I Made With Swagbucks: Week 35

Welcome to week 35 of the £1 a day challenge. The challenge where I seek to grow passive income streams online to eventually reach financial freedom. I start from the simple step of pushing myself to make at least £1 a day online.

As I learn and build the foundations for other streams of income, I have had to rely on one small source primarily. This is through Swagbucks.

To give you an idea of a typical week, making £1 a day online with Swagbucks, I’ve decided to share how much I made in week 35. Also, exactly how I achieved this.

Here’s this week’s video update…

So To Recap…

I earned 1086 Swagbucks points this week. Which roughly converts to £8.33 earned. Here’s how I earned this.

Around 900 SB points were earned through completing surveys. This is my most used method of making money with Swagbucks. Each day, I look to load up Swagbucks and look to complete the best paying surveys, until I reach the £1 (or 128 SB point) goal. Check this video out to see my tips for making more money with surveys.

To supplement this, around 80-100 Swagbucks points were earned through the Swagbucks search engine. If you go through swagbucks search, you have the chance to earn between 5-20 Swagbucks points, up to 4 times a week. This is just for your usual searching the web.

I also earned 55 SB points during a Swago event. This is a monthly event to complete challenges for a reward.

And finally, the remaining Swagbucks points were earned through playing games in the play section, swag codes and the daily poll.

Drop shipping

Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay

Besides completing my goals for the £1 a day challenge, I’ve been researching and looking for ways to further progress this challenge. My next strategy I plan to go for is drop shipping.

I’m currently leaning and I plan to take action soon. I’ll keep you updated of everything I learn. I’ll give details of how its done and the strategies that work best, along with, mistakes to avoid.

So be sure to stay tuned with Money Your Concern, to see where progress goes with this…

Thanks for reading…

I hope you found the week 35 post to be useful. To give you a little more knowledge as to how Swagbucks can be used to help you make money online.

I hope with sharing this journey, you can be inspired to take up this £1 a day challenge too. To make money, your concern, and make a change with your financial situation. All you have to do, is find the simplest way you can think of, to begin making at least £1 a day, online.

Then, once you have the ball rolling, you can grow from there.

I found Swagbucks to be my perfect starting point.

If you’d like to keep learning from my journey and see how you can passive income streams online, stay in touch. You can do this either in the Blog section of this website, or catch video content on the Money Your Concern YouTube channel.

Best wishes with your financial endeavours.
