100 Days Of The £1 A Day Challenge

100 Days Of The £1 A Day Challenge

So today marks 100 days since I had the idea to begin the £1 a day challenge!!

Unfortunately, some magic genie didn’t pop up or anything today though. I had hoped this day would have felt a bit more special. Nothing magic happened, I didn’t automatically become rich. However, I did get my YouTube updates on track today. The week 14 post was right on cue for today being a Thursday. Now, I can aim to update on video format every Thursday from now on.

After work I then loaded up Swagbucks to get today’s challenge out of the way. It took a few tries of going on and off Swagbucks this evening, to find the best paying surveys. However, with around 45 minutes of accumulated effort, I managed to clock up enough SB points to pass the £1 mark. 

Today’s earnings were 131 SB’s (£1.01).

So although a magic occurrence didn’t suddenly make me rich today, I was hoping it would. I thought I’d add some useful information as to how my first passive income source is going. Well… In truth, it’s not really going because I’m yet to get a single commission from my affiliate links yet. Although I know that this is to be expected. As I gain more viewers and trust with those viewers, this will be when I will begin to see and income from affiliate marketing.

Business will be slow to begin with. ..

And especially with affiliate marketing. This requires lots of people to view the site to make any real financial gain this way.

So my strategy with affiliate marketing is to simply create as much useful content as possible. Then, where relevant, I will link you to products and books I have found useful to help me in a certain financial area. The more I post out useful content, the more trust I will build and the more organically this brand will grow. 

So this is my plan to develop an affiliate strategy on my website until I learn more. However, this is a gradual process. And I’m really keen to push this £1 goal on. So I need to look for my next strategy to test out, on the side… 

I was on a walk along the beach this morning…

To clear my mind before I edited the week 14 video. I was thinking about my next step to progress my finances. I thought about many different options, including: Selling on Ebay, Amazon FBA, writing an eBook and I even thought about creating an external website focusing solely on affiliate marketing. 

However, I’m yet to decide on this. Right now, I’ll work as hard as I can, trying to grow the Money Your Concern brand on YouTube and on this website.

YouTube is the second biggest search engine in the world and a great way to build a brand. Also, eventually there will be opportunities to monetise YouTube with adds. So right now I think this is a good place to focus. To build a trustful following with the Money Your Concern brand, whilst I search for the next business direction to test out. Soon I’ll update you on my next steps.

So with 100 days complete…

I am yet to make any real moves financially. Regretfully, I am still using swagbucks to make my £1 a day online, which takes almost an hour to complete each day.

However, I am building the foundations of this brand. I am building positive platforms on both YouTube and this website, aiming to help as many people as I can improve their financial situation. If I stay consistent with this and aim to help as much as I can, I think this is the right path for organic growth.

Once a following is built, monetisation, of even external business endeavours (not Money Your Concern) will be a lot easier.

So this is where i’m up to, 100 days after starting the challenge. If you’d like to see where ill be in 100 more days, stay tuned with this website. You can keep track of the £1 a day challenge via the Blog section.

Alternatively, you can also keep track of my video updates of the Money Your Concern YouTube channel every Thursday.

Be sure to let us know if you are planning to try out the £1 a day challenge yourself. Lets build a community and help each other out.

Thanks for your support,


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Harry

    Thanks for reading. I’m glad you find it useful.

  2. SMS

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