Getting My Website Started: Day 23

Getting My Website Started: Day 23

First thing today, I decided to get my Swagbucks work out the way. Hopefully to give me time to finally get started with my website. This will be the home of all my business ideas and progress so it seems imperative for me to get this started so I can progress!!

Early Morning Swagbucks Work:

After being declined for a few surveys, I finally got accepted for one paying 40 SB’s for ‘8 mins’ of work. I know all too well that this wouldn’t be the case; instead taking almost 20!! This stuff really makes me excited to find other, more effective methods of making money online. Although I suppose that’s a good thing.

Thankfully, after the first survey, I found and completed 2 more in quick succession. Along with a quick swagbucks search reward, I reached my £1 goal. Today’s earnings are 130SB’s (£1.01) for around 1 hours work. Time to progress on…

This morning I took the leap. I decided to buy the domain name and web hosting for I know it’s not the best webname but I tried so many (100’s) others for them to already be taken. Anyway, I like it, it says to me about taking responsibility for your finances and taking action. This is the main message I want to get across with the website. 

Now I just need to learn how to build a website. How hard can it be!!

Late this evening…

The start of my first webpage

OK, creating a website is much harder than, I thought…

I thought it’d be as simple as using word and following a tutorial on word. Oh how wrong was I. 

There’s so many extra details and links to add and a whole new system in which to do it all. I’m now seeing that this may take a few days to completely put together. As part of my business ideas, I plan to build other websites to explore different methods of online income. I hope this process will become quicker with practice.

Anyway, I seem to be getting the hang of this. After a lot of trial and error (and stress) the site is finally starting to come together to be how I envisaged it. It feels good to finally be getting my website started. Perhaps once completed, I’ll share my beginners insight into what is helping me most with website creation.

Thanks for reading the day 23 highlight of the £1 a day challenge. To keep track of my progress, stay tuned with the Blog page of the Money Your Concern website.


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