Improve Website Clicks With This Google SEO Book

Improve Website Clicks With This Google SEO Book

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So if you are looking to improve your website SEO, I have found the book for you. As a new online business owner and being new to having a website. This book taught me the simple and more advanced ways you can enhance your Google SEO. So that your pages can be ranked higher up on Google and ultimately get you more clicks and more viewers.

The book I found is called…

How To Get To The Top Of Google

A pretty obvious name right…

So Firstly, What is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine optimization. This means all the ways you can use to be more friendly to the algorithms of your platform. In this case we’re talking about google as it is the largest search engine in the world.

So if your content and webpages are more friendly to Google’s algorithm, then your pages will be shown more frequently when people search for content you are writing about. 

This Google SEO book ‘How To Get To The Top Of Google’, shows you how to do just what it says in the title. The book outlines both the quick fixes and the more advanced ways you can adjust your website to allow the Google algorithm to show your content more.

Why is This Important?

Well, isn’t it obvious?

Ranking higher on each Google search means that more people will see your posts. This means you will get more visitors and attention to your site. More visitors means you have more opportunities to either sell them something or to get your message out to the world. 

This means that all your time and effort in the posts you create will become more worthwhile, as more people are seeing all of the work you are putting in.

How To Get To The Top Of Google

This Google SEO book is written by Tim Kitchen, CEO of a successful digital marketing company called Exposure Ninja. Tim has been at the SEO game for years, helping many business owners to grow their business on Google by tweaking their website to better work with the Google algorithm. 

Tim will teach you…

  • How you can make your website more friendly to the Google algorithm without restricting the usability to your customers.
  • To find the best keywords to use to get more traffic to your site.
  • How to get links from high authority sites.
  • Research your competition to see what you can do better.
  • Avoid SEO pitfalls and mistakes.

And so much more…

Money Your Concern Rating:

New business owner: 9/10

Experienced business owner: 7/10

I listened to the audiobook version but Tim’s writing/ speaking style is super easy to follow. He includes real life examples and humour throughout to keep the book interesting. This Google SEO book will be valuable to Beginner and experienced business owners alike, who are looking to increase their website traffic through Google.

And on top of all of this, Tim also gives us a free review of our own website by one of his employees at exposure ninja. I am yet to use this but it seems too good an opportunity to pass up.

If you are a business owner and are dying to get more clicks to your website, then this is the book for you.

Here’s a link…

If you like you can pick up How To Get To The Top Of Google via the Amazon link here:

Or if you’d prefer the audio book, like me (I’ve listened to it twice through already). Find this here.

Please note, the above links are affiliate links and I will make a small commission (at no extra cost to you) If you make a purchase.

Thank you for reading. I hope this Google SEO book helps your business to become a greater force to be reckoned with. I hope with time and patience you will grow your business online and your message can be shared across the world.

If you’d like to learn more about how I’m trying to grow my business, you can check this out in the Blog section of the Money Your Concern website. Or on my YouTube channel. 

I hope to help people take action and get involved with making money online. To simply start and then grow this to eventually achieve financial freedom.

I hope you can stay in touch with what I have to say.

Thanks for your attention.
