The E-myth Revisited: Michael Gerber Book Review

The E-myth Revisited: Michael Gerber Book Review

Are you struggling to build your own business? You want to grow something for yourself yet doing the thin you once loved has now become a chore?

So many new business owners go down this route. 

You do something you love and feel competent enough to go out on your own. Yet you now, not only do the work you used to do and enjoy for your job but you also have all of the administration and finances to keep on top of. Your workload can increase massively if you are not prepared for it and it can become unbearable. This isn’t what you left your job for. What you once loved has become a chore and your life now revolves around it.

Michael Gerber argues, ‘This isn’t running a business. Your business is running you and it has now become your job.’ “And it’s the worst job in the world.”

Author of The E-myth

The E-myth Revisited:

The essence of The E-myth is explaining how a successful business owner isn’t someone who works for their business. Rather, they will be capable of creating systems to make their business work for them. 

This book will cover ways in which you can correctly allocate employees and treat them responsibly to get the best out of your business. To automate the systems to provide the service you hope to give but in a way which doesn’t allow you to be there. 

This in turn will give you more free time, will allow you the ability to scale and expand your business and most importantly, enjoy working on a successful business, without all of the debilitating stress.

The E-myth book

In this book you will learn 2 key lessons in the realm of business:

  1. That you run your business, it doesn’t run you and you don’t work for it. 
  2. How to run and manage this business. You’ll learn how to structure and manage your business for great, automated systems and for scalable growth.

Money Your Concern Rating:

Beginner Entrepreneur: 9/10

Advanced Entrepreneur: 7/10

The E-myth is definitely a book you should check out. Especially if you are just starting out in building your own business. 

It will help you avoid any pitfalls that so many business owners fall into, causing them to be unprepared or overwhelmed and the reason why 80% of businesses fail within the first 5 years. You will learn how to properly structure your business and provide yourself with more freedom whilst still providing a great service and making money.

If you’d like to check out this book, you can find my Amazon affiliate link below…

Clicking through here and purchasing the book will give me a small commission (at no extra cost to you). This is to help support the running of this website. Thanks.

So I hope you enjoy the E-Myth Revisited. It truly opened my eyes up to the real world of a well structured business. I think it will help me massively as I grow my business prospects online with the £1 a day challenge.

If you’d like to learn more about the £1 a day challenge and how you could get involved, to make money, your concern and take charge of your financial situation, check out the Blog section of this website.

For more business and finance tips, you may find value in the Personal Finance sections of this website.

I hope you enjoy the book,


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