The Go Giver Book Review: Burg and Mann

The Go Giver Book Review: Burg and Mann

Have you ever wondered why your business isn’t growing the way you want it to? You are trying everything, yet customers just aren’t buying your services. The trick you will learn from the go-giver is that you need to change your business mindset. You need to think more about giving, more to your customer. And in turn, your business will be worth more to the customer. Here’s what I thought of this read…

The Go-giver:

The Go-giver will likely be different from any other business book you have red. It is a fictional story, to portray a strong, real, life business message.

The story follows a character named Joe. Joe is a young ambitious entrepreneur, willing to do whatever it takes to become financially successful. However, despite all his efforts, he is yet to see the success he’s dreamed of. One day, he meets a highly successful individual, named Pindar. 

Throughout the book, Pindar introduces Joe to some of his most successful friends. Each of whom leave Joe with a lesson about where true success comes from.

Through meeting with these successful individuals, Joe comes to realise, business isn’t so much about how much you can get from each customer. Rather, the successful businesses focused on how much they can give to their customers. They aimed to give as much in value to their customers as they could. In turn, these businesses became worth more in value. 

Image by Harry Strauss from Pixabay

Money Your Concern rating: 

Beginner entrepreneur: 8/10

Advanced entrepreneur: 7/10

This book is easy to read and the story will stick with you for a long time. Bringing with it the 5 key lessons for ‘stratospheric success’. The Go-giver is neither too long, nor is it too short and the story keeps you intrigued throughout.

 I enjoyed this book so much that I read it in one sitting. I also plan to re-read this book in future, to refresh my mind of how to reach true success.  

This book adapted my mindset to really focus on giving as much as I can. And I Try to implement this within the building work I do currently for customers. Also, more importantly, as I aim to grow the Money Your Concern brand. I aim to post as much free and useful content as i can, in order to provide as much value and help as many people as I can. 

If you’d like to read The Go-giver, to see how this story could change your life, you can check out the link below.

Note, this link is an Amazon affiliate link and I will make a small commission (at no extra cost to you) if you buy through this link. This is to help support the running of this channel. Thanks.

So thanks for reading… 

I hope you found this post useful and now have a good idea as to whether this book is one to add to your read list. I think anyone trying to grow their business can find real value in finding the message from this book.

If you’d like to learn more about the online business and investing books I have read and recommend, you may like to check out the Learn More and Further Learning sections of this website.

Enjoy the book…


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