Week 23: Earning My First Affiliate Commission

Week 23: Earning My First Affiliate Commission

Week 23: However, I am doing what I can and it’s refreshing to finally see some signs that my business is looking up.

Day 155: Welcome to week 23…

Welcome to week 23 of the £1 a day challenge. The challenge where I push myself to make an income online and eventually strive onward to reach financial freedom. I do this with no prior business experience. I start with the simple step of making £1 a day online. 

So as usual at the moment, I used Swagbucks once again today to make sure I earned the £1 online today. I loaded up my account after work and completed 3 surveys until I earned 135 SB’s (£1.05). This took just under an hour.

Along with this, I also prepared for my next batch of audio recordings, ready for tomorrow morning…

Day 156: Week 22 Video 

So I got up early this morning and got some more recordings done for the YouTube channel. The rest of the day was spent editing the week 22 update in video format. This is where I share my findings with Storyblocks and Vid IQ to improve the content on the channel. You can check out the video here if you like.

Other than that, I loaded up Swagbucks before the day was up to make my £1 online for the day. This took 3 surveys and around 50 minutes to complete.

Day 157: Swagbucks…

A busy day at work left me with not a lot of time for much else today unfortunately. However I made sure I completed the challenge for today. I worked on completing 4 surveys, which took around 70 minutes, earning me 137 SB’s (£1.07).

Day 158: Affiliate Links

Today I finally received my first sale through one of my affiliate marketing links for my book reviews. I have been an Amazon affiliate for over 2 or 3 months now so it’s finally good to get confirmation that my links work. 

If you start affiliate marketing for yourself in future, be sure to keep in mind that this will be a slow process to begin with. Unless you already have a large fan base to begin with.

In hindsight, I think I definitely should have held off the affiliate marketing for a while, whilst I built the YouTube channel and this website. This would have allowed me to build up a trusting following who would more likely want to click through my links to buy products I recommend. However, I really wanted to get started, so that I could test it out and learn and share with you how affiliate marketing works.

Now that I know it works, I can try to scale this a little more and add more book reviews to the Money Your Concern website. If you’d like to check out which are the best finance and investing books I’ve read before, you can find this in the learn more and further learning sections of this site.

The commission of this sale is yet to come through so I still needed to make sure I make £1 online today. Once again, I logged onto Swagbucks to make £1 online. This took around 1 hour to complete 3 surveys, earning 128 SB’s (£1.00).

Day 159: Swagbucks on Sunday

I needed a bit of a break today, to reset the mind. The weather was great, so I enjoyed the beach and surfing all day.

When I got home, I made sure I used Swagbucks to make my £1 for the day. Although, being a Sunday, this was a nightmare. There weren’t many surveys on offer and of the best ones, I got declined. However, I tried my best and kept pushing through, till I made it past the mark.

Earnings: 136 SB’s (£1.06) for about 90 minutes of effort.

Day 160: Name Change

I seem to be super busy at work at the moment and it’s super draining. I think I need to change up my routine to make sure I get more work done for the Money Your Concern brand.

Anyway, with the energy I had left, I managed to at least, complete today’s £1 a day challenge. Again, there were plenty of surveys on there to choose from. So I completed 3 in around an hour to earn 134 SB’s (£1.05) to pass the daily goal.

Other than this, I decided to change the name of the YouTube channel. I added my name, ‘Harry’ at the beginning. I want the channel to be very personable and I want to connect with as many people as possible. This should help me do so…

Day 161: No Time…

Today I just had time to make sure I pass the £1 a day challenge goal. It took me around 45 minutes to find 2 well paying surveys to earn enough for the day.

Thanks for checking out week 23…

It has been a busy week and I didn’t get a lot done in terms of creating more videos or posts. I have to be honest with you, starting a business is hard. It’s hard to continuously put in the effort to grow a brand every week. Especially with a draining 9-5 job getting in the way.

However, I am doing what I can and it’s refreshing to finally see some signs that my business is looking up. For example, I made my first affiliate sale in week 23 via one of my book reviews on this website. I think its little actions like those, that help you to keep going through the difficult periods. It gives us hope. 

If you are struggling in your business endeavour at the moment, I encourage you to look out for your little signs of hope too. Enjoy every step of your progression.

I hope you enjoyed this post…

And it brings some light into the boring details of trying to create an online business that most people don’t share…

If you’d like to keep track with my progress, be sure to keep up with the blog section of this website. Here, there will be a weekly update of my progress every Wednesday. Alternatively, you may like to see my video updates on YouTube which will be every Thursday. Both offering different insights of my weeks progress, presented in 2 different ways.

If you’d like to start the £1 a day challenge for yourself, be sure to let us know in the comments section. I hope to build a community around this, where we can all help each other out to improve our financial situation.

With Money Your Concern you can also find out how to make and save more money, or investing strategies to grow your wealth. For this, be sure to check out the personal finance and Investing sections of this website.

I hope this helps you to see the true nature of building an online business.

Thanks for reading.


This Post Has One Comment

  1. ai undress

    Very informative blog.Really looking forward to read more. Will read on…

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